TONIGHT!: Well I’ll Be Amsterdamned!

TONIGHT!: Well I'll Be Amsterdamned!
Amsterdamned, 1988

What reasons beacon you to go to Europe, more specifically, Holland? (Holland is what I still call the Netherlands) It could be for the open but restricted drug usage, the pubic sex shops that probably still exist, and the 165 canals surrounding the Amsterdam region built in the 16th century for easy access to ports and public sewage.

Look, I like the planet I apportioned on, but some things are due for an upgrade. Water covers like 80% of this rock, and we must respect the element we can’t consume willingly. So, this part of the world still embraces water for the life source that it is getting a heads up, even it is 34 years late.

I found this movie on a whim, and it wasn’t too bad of a show. I love horror, so it fit the profile very quickly within the time it would permit itself to be unbearable. I can’t even give an inch away to the plot; it doesn’t even give itself away until the very end! It is very, VERY European storytelling on that part, and that technique isn’t used as often as it should without the plot of the story being beyond confusing. This concept keeps you guessing until the end with dubbed moans, empath energy, and thorough police work on the water. I was surprised by this early concept of a SyFy Channel movie title of a movie. Thankfully the writers took it, and an actual good film was made in its proper place.

Amsterdamned can be streamed on Tubi