Turd T-Shirt Thursday: Just Beat It Like It Owes You Money
All rich as fuck weirdness aside, the glamour of the music industry held a special place in our hearts throughout the decade’s inspiring scores over the years in countless mediums. But when you’re 10, you can’t help but laugh at a song that you would think is about beating your meat like it owes you money.
Before kids, I had a horrible addiction to buying t-shirts on Threadless every time I got paid. To this day, I have 30+ shirts that are all a size too small for me to comfortably wear unless I wear a shaper. I hate wearing shapers, so my only option after giving birth and struggling to lose my baby weight was to throw them away. Another option was to get them made into a quilt, but that would have been a waste to me. So I did the smart thing and just decided that my fat mom FUPA needed to go so I could wear my beloved graphic tees again.
This tight-ass foe-leather jacket replica of MJs from the Beat It music video was one I just had to get. Communicating my thoughts and feelings verbally is a task I’m still working on. To compensate for this lack of ability to do that, I would buy tee shirts that spoke for me. The “Beat It” shirt speaks for itself.
When I would go to bar trivia nights, I wore this one night, and just as I walked in the door, the song was playing. It was an amusing coincidence making this piece enjoyable when I wear it.
Bought at Threadless