I Is Smart: Project Manager


That is the only thing I can say to myself, “wow.”

It took this long?

I mean, I searched. I searched deep within myself to find what I could do passionately without faltering and see myself doing for years to come.

Project Management? Okay. Let’s see what you’re about.

It became a 32 session journey that I wasn’t expecting. I always had this drive in me to be prim and proper. As much as I loved whatever I loved, it could not be more than what I wanted to do in life. What I truly wanted to do in life is lay the fuck back and vibe. Of course, which is a life I can already have, with the help of abundant financial stability. So, I pursued the task of learning to become a Project Manager. A position that I wasn’t unfamiliar with. I know the jobs a manager of that position needs to fulfill to make a project come full circle. See, I was given the task under immense stress and no coaching that I sent a customer an initial email in error for a scheduled maintenance event that wasn’t happening for them. This occurs when the ones in position want a break from the mundane, giving it to grunts.

That wasn’t a great experience. If I were in the position of an actual Project Manager, I would have been fired. Or at least told to take the customers out to a costly lunch at an expensive place that I wouldn’t have been invited to either way. If you didn’t already know, I identify as female, and the environment I once inhabited didn’t take kindly to clitoris’.

I decided on the Project Management course to be my first course because the Technology courses are always my first go-to. I wanted to do something different and learn outside my safe space that has always been technology.

In the beginning, I was very excited. The position painted a picture of a personality type that I have always embodied; organized, practical communication skills, strong “leadership” skills, inspiring a shared vision, and calm under pressure. “Calm under pressure” is a frank statement. “Good at taking a good ass-chewing” is like it. For the years that I have been a grunt, as under-management help, I know full well the bullshit that entails a managerial position. I was prepared for the challenge and saw nothing getting in my way of earning this title.

I am proud to say I did! Thirty-Two courses later came to my diploma in “Project Management.” Leadership skills were profusely taught in the remaining Twenty-Four courses, leaving me in a state of absolute shock. This was how companies were to help build and or restore motivation in a workplace when the fate of low morale or legitimate unhappiness floods the workplace. My experience of this emotion in a place where I was given money to endure, tried so hard but got so far as a pizza party. Every. Single. Achievement. It was pathetic.

Now, thanks to the online courses at Shaw Academy, I have a legitimate diploma in Project Management (and Leadership Skills) that I know will benefit any company, post-pandemic, with any environmental issues that may occur in an office that might disturb workflow.

I am proud that I took the time to take this course. To start a journey of not only one wanderlust but also numerous to acclimate to an ever-changing metaverse that this bullshit speck has become.

The link to Shaw Academy, for your consideration