I Can’t Wait To Give Them These Feelings Of Hating, Part 3
By DiRtY
“Hello? Fieldy? Is Jonathan there?” asked Renee. “Uhh, no, Jon isn’t here. He was suppose to meet me and the rest of the guy’s at Head’s house and then all of us would go over some things for the new record,” said Fieldy. “I thought Jon would be there, because he told me that was going to be there yesterday afternoon, that was the last time I saw him, he said he was going out for a while and that he’d be back home soon. He still hasn’t come back home yet. I’m worried something happened.” said Renee. “God, I hope not,” said Fieldy. “Me too, me too” said Renee. There was a silent pause for a couple of seconds, they were both thinking the worst, but hoping for the best all in all. “Well if I hear anything, I’ll call you, ok Renee?” said Fieldy, shaking off the thought of where Jonathan is and if was dead. “Alright, I’ll talk to you later. Bye” said Renee. She hung up the phone slowly, still thinking the worst. “He’s ok Renee,” she said to herself “ He’s gonna come through that door any minute now or even better he’ll call. It’s gonna be ok” As the last words mumbled out of her mouth, tears slowly begin to form. She quickly wiped them away when she heard Nathan coming.
“Mommy” said Nathan rubbing his eyes, waking up from his nap. “Where’s daddy?” Renee smiled at him and rubbed his head, gave him a kiss on the cheek, happy to see her baby boy. But then her smile faded away to answer his heart dropping question, “I don’t know baby, I don’t know…”
“Hello? Fieldy? Have you seen Jonathan?” said Renee in a clam but panicked voice. “No, I haven’t seen him around, me and the guy’s are kinda worried, he was suppose to come over Head’s and go over some things with the rest of us. He didn’t come home? This is getting strange, Jon’s never like this, did you call the police yet?” asked Fieldy. “No, I didn’t think to do so, it’s only a couple of days, he’s always gone like this when he comes back from touring, that’s why I thought he was out with you guy’s partying or something. I hope he’s ok,” said Renee, tiring to suppress the tears that were fighting to fall. “You should call the police, Renee. He might be…you know…” Fieldy stopped in mid-sentence, dreading the thought and for Renee to worry even more. “I will right now Fieldy. I’ll call you if any thing comes up, ok? Bye” said Renee, putting down the receiver and lifting it back up to call the police. “9-1-1” She dialed. The phone rang, her heart sped when the operator picked up. “9-1-1, how can I help you?” “Yes” Renee said. “I’d like to report a missing person…”
To Be Contiued…