Original Sit And Spin

Here’s my take on a lie for a grade – Just take whatever I say with a grain of salt. It may have meant something then, but I can’t say it’s relevant now. Or even what the hell the topic was about.

My Reply:

In my opinion, “Original Spin” illustrates that creativity is an instantaneous or at times a gradual process to which a person makes realizations of their surroundings and how to utilize them in their own unique way. So the general understanding of creativity in itself is that it’s something so rare to come by and hinders the ability for people to think creatively to keep their lives contented. Using the word “creative” seems to be intimidating to some people, so rephrasing it is crucial to me building up to my own goals. In college life, being active and at times an indecisive student makes it difficult for me to lay strict goals for myself because I, on no account keep them or force myself to think creatively. This article has given me insight that the rephrasing of the word and making it less unapproachable is by asking myself, “Do I believe that I could deal with the challenges of life in a more effective, inventive, and fulfilling manner?” My answer would be – possibly, maybe.

My Response:

”Original spin” in my opinion is trying to get the point across that in order to be called creative you must think outside of the box.  In other words, in your everyday life you should take risks and do things differently such as the example they gave in the story “on your way home try turning right instead of left…” This applies to our lives as college students in that we should also think differently and do things a little differently every day we’re here such as participating in class a little more often, or in some cases less.  Long story short we should all pull away from the conformed lifestyle that our ancestors have set for us and be different in our own way.”

I agree, in the sense that life, in general, is played in a conformed manner, that going “out of the box” can seem to cause consequence and taking those risks could result in something that we could regret later in life and in some instances, what we regret the most is not taking that risk because we feel it would have benefited ourselves and could have improved the position that is made later in life. Being college students, whether our education is free or we have to pinch pennies just to attend every day, taking the risk that is most eminent is taking our responsibilities as students seriously because it will pay off in the foundation of our futures.