TONIGHT!: When Good Dick Curses Your Family With Centipede Horrors

TONIGHT!: When Good Dick Curses Your Family With Centipede Horrors
Centipede Horror, 1982

This movie opens up with centipedes click-clack segmenting their gross fucking selves about the screen, solidifying that we will see a film with centipedes in it. In the introduction, some movies like to tease with this kind of entomophobia to have viewers on the edge of their seats when one of them pops up in an extreme close-up during an intense scene. You don’t get that, not straight away anyway. It starts with an innocent girls’ trip to Southeast Asia, to being covered in fucking centipedes. Thankfully, the person covered in fucking centipedes was the intended target.

I got my ticket to board the WTF Train that I was riding watching this movie. I am not a huge fan of insects in general, but centipedes fall into the category of “burn it with fire.” The use of them in such a large capacity was insane. I’m sure they have nests and areas where they can be found in abundance. And I did! Isn’t this reality awesome! I want to stay far the fuck away from those places and watch them from the comfort of my home in a film that was made 38 years ago in another continent.

I’m hesitant to reveal anything that happens in this movie because I thought it was AMAZING! The structure was something that I don’t believe I have seen in any other film. It’s possible. It’s also possible those movies were boring as hell. Centipede Horror had so much going on that the horror involved in the story’s root was more horrific than the centipedes. It’s contradictory that centipedes were used because they are meant for good luck.

I would have never come across this movie without the help of the wonderful, weird-ass horror community that exists on Instagram, where a scene involving, duh, centipedes is in the mouth of an actress. I just had to see it!

Just Google it. You’ll find it.