TONIGHT!: You Don’t Know Rich Until You’re LuLaRich

Rich Until You're LuLaRich
LuLaRich, 2021

Work from home jobs is everyone’s dream, isn’t it? Get rich while in your underwear, earn bonuses for recruiting new members, sell clothes out of your garage, wear those buttery soft maxi’s to the unemployment office while you drown in debt because you’re not rich until you’re LuLaRich.

The company “LuLaRoe” is one I have never heard of in advertisements. During the early 2000s, I steered far away from social media due to its extreme effects on my mental health and life at the time.

It is indeed frightening what hope does. For some, the reality was so immense that it changed their lives for a short time only to be gaslighted back into the poverty that never left them, it was just their money that sold their dreams, and their souls paid the price. They can never trust the animals that disguise themselves as humans ever again.

I’ve witnessed throughout the years and have seen associates fall into the scheme of multilevel marketing, and I smile and nod. In the past, I would strongly hope they didn’t drink the Kool-Aid and wake up. Now I would tell them straight up I could fuck them in the ass for free and with tenderness just the same.

Now Amazon made a documentary about it. So, if you didn’t live through the shit, emulate it through reflection and scowling at your screen.

The never of times “Facebook” and “Instagram” are mentioned is nauseating. We all need to feed the machine. I know, I know. But damn, pick up a phone. Send a letter.

“Hey gurl, I got Maxi skirts to sell. Bring 25 of your friends, that are our friends but different. CASH ONLY. K Bye.”

LuLaRich is an Amazon Prime Original